Gourmet Quarantine

Animal Style Brunch Fries

Nothing like adding a fried egg (or two) to a homemade version of your favorite fast food side. But for real, we bought some American cheese for melty cheese purposes and my brain immediately went to animal style everything. Partner that with frozen sweet potato fries in your freezer and homemade animal style fries become a perfect choice.

animal stye brunch fries

What you need

This is an easy one. It only requires a few ingredients:

  • frozen fries
  • melty cheese (we used American here, for full authenticity)
  • animal sauce (recipe below)
  • eggs

Animal sauce recipes abound online. Most require mayo, ketchup, relish, white vinegar, and sugar. I didn’t have any relish and try to reduce refined sugar, so our recipe was the following:

  • Mayo
  • Ketchup (we used a paleo variant made from tomatoes and bananas)
  • White vinegar
  • Serrano hot sauce (made with cucumbers, for an attempt at that relish flavor)

Simply cook up your fries, preferably decently crispy. Then turn of the oven, smother with cheese, and place back in the oven. The cheese will melt in a still-hot-but-off oven. While the cheese is melting, fry up some eggs. They don’t take long if you want a nice runny yolk. Take the cheesy fries out of the oven, top with your animal sauce, and slide your fried eggs right on top. That’s it. Of course, hot sauce on top is optional but strongly recommended.

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