Gourmet Quarantine

Arugula Chimichurri

In the time of COVID, you work with what you have. That included making chimichurri with an entire box of arugula. The arugula lent a really nice bite beyond the normal parsley variant. This was a great experiment and highly recommend trying it! Of course, you can always use parsley or cilantro instead of arugula, but my guess is this recipe works with any bright green you have lying around. I used our Magic Bullet to make this sauce smooth, but we’ve also made chimichurri with just a rough chop of the greens.

chimichurri goodness


I don’t deal with measurements, so here is a list of ingredients:

  • a bunch of arugula (or preferred green)
  • olive oil
  • chopped garlic
  • jalapeno
  • red chili flakes
  • red wine vinegar (or white, apple cider)
  • salt


If you’re using any sort of blender, a rough chop of your greens, garlic, and jalapeno will suffice. Otherwise, you’ll want to do a fine chop so that you get a nice chutney-like consistency.

Either in a blender or in a bowl, mix your greens, garlic, and jalapeno with a good amount of olive oil, a few splashes vinegar, and your salt and (red) pepper. The ratio of olive oil to vinegar is really to taste- how acidic and intense you want it.

Enjoy the fruits of your labors

The resultant green goodness is delicious on everything. This batch topped flatiron steak one night and was incorporated into a delicious pasta two nights later.

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