Gourmet Quarantine

Oatmeal Banana Pancakes

This one is a family tradition, dating back to when the dog would jump from the banister directly into the kitchen, narrowly missing the hot skillet, just for a taste of the batter. I can’t say I blame her.

They’re very simple to make - just make sure you have bananas, eggs, and some kind of milk on hand. I’ve had success with dairy, almond, and soy, but my favorite is oat!

Cakes in the pan

Prepare the dry ingredients

Pro tip: prep the dry portion first to avoid dipping eggy, milky measuring utensils into your flour.

Combine the following in the larger of your two mixing bowls:

  • 1½ cups of oats
  • 1⅓ cup of flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp baking soda

Set the bowl aside; we’ll come back to it soon.

Wet and dry ingredients

Mash the bananas

In the smaller of your two mixing bowls,

  • Peel and add 2 bananas. Using a fork, mash to taste; I like some chunks.
  • Add 2 eggs and whisk until incorporated.

Finish the wet ingredients

To your eggs and bananas, add

  • 1½ cups milk, preferably oat
  • 4 Tbsp avocado or canola oil
  • 2 tsp vanilla

At this point, I like to stir in chocolate chips. I’ve also done crushed walnuts and chia seeds — get creative!

Flipping the cakes

Combine and cook

Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly. Nobody likes a dry chunk in their pancake!

Fire up the stove to medium-low, then settle into this cooking loop for the next 15 minutes:

  • Pour a splash of avocado or canola oil into the pan
  • Pour dollops of batter in the pan. I use a little shy of ⅓ cup
  • Flip after about a minute — I like them brown and a little crispy
  • Let this side cook a little longer, then transfer to a serving plate

Once you’re out of batter, it’s time to eat!

Finished pancakes

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