Gourmet Quarantine

Spicy Sparkling Margarita

This delicious recipe comes courtesy of ONEHOPE, whose photography and execution puts mine to shame. I was able to get a delicious result nonetheless, though.

Prepared ingredients

The recipe takes a standard margarita and elevates it with a few clever touches. You’ll need the following to make two servings’ worth:

  • 3-4 limes, preferably organic as we’ll be zesting the peel
  • A fresh orange or nice orange juice — the kind made of just oranges
  • One jalapeño
  • Silver tequila
  • Cointreau or another orange liqueur
  • Sparkling wine — ONEHOPE is recommended
  • Sea salt — larger grains are ideal

Prepare the Rim

First, sprinkle a good amount of sea salt on a small plate.

This recipe takes the standard salt rim and adds the brilliant flair of lime zest. Before juicing your limes, grate them with the microplane until you have a good amount of zest with the salt, and mix together.

Salt and Lime Rim

Prepare the Drink

First, juice your limes. You want a little more than a shot’s worth (1.5oz).

Cut limes

To a cocktail shaker with ice, add the following in equal parts:

  • Tequila
  • Cointreau
  • Lime juice

You can also add a splash of orange juice at this point, and optionally a sweetener like agave nectar or honey.

Now, add a few jalapeño slices to the mix — how many is up to you and how much of a spice lord you fashion yourself.

Cut jalapeños

Shake, but don’t immediately pour! The jalapeño infuses as it sits, and a little extra dilution from the melting ice definitely won’t hurt here. While you let it do its thing, dip your serving glass(es) in lime juice and then your salt/lime rim.

Once you feel the jalapeño has done sufficient work, pour into your glass(es) and top with about an inch of sparkling wine. I used Prosecco which complemented and softened the rest of the drink beautifully.

Garnish with slices of lime, orange, and/or jalapeño, and enjoy!

Finished margarita

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