Gourmet Quarantine

Sticky Ribs from Flavortown

Thanks to my friend John, who introduced this recipe to me one fateful New Year’s Eve. It’s a slow cooker adaptation of a Gordon Ramsay recipe, and it has been a regular in my dinner rotation ever since.

Preparing the Ingredients

First, get chopping

To keep dishes to a minimum, I try to save the meat for last. Let’s start by chopping the other stuff.

  • Mince 4-5 large cloves of garlic
  • Peel and slice a few inches of fresh ginger

Set that aside; we’ve got work to do first.

Sear the Ribs

Dry Rubbed Meat

As always, we’ve got to lock in that flavor with a sear before anything hits the slow cooker. Lay on a layer of salt and black pepper and press it into the meat with your fingers - don’t be afraid to really get in there. You’ll noticed I’ve cut my ribs in half at this point. Quarters wouldn’t be a bad idea either, especially if you’re working with a small slow cooker like I am.

Put some olive oil in a large frying pan, get it up to medium heat, then sear the half-racks until they’re looking browned and delicious on all sides.

Seared ribs

Prepare the Slow Cooker

Now that you’ve got your fresh ingredients chopped and your meat browned, it’s time to seal it away for 10 hours and let that prolonged heat work its magic. Move the ribs from the pan to the slow cooker, then add the following on top:

  • 150ml soy sauce
  • 300ml medium dry sherry
  • 400ml chicken stock
  • 3 tablespoons rice vinegar
  • A couple tablespoons of honey or maple syrup
  • Your previously chopped garlic and ginger
  • A tablespoon or so of Sichuan peppercorns
  • A few whole star anise
  • As many red pepper flakes as you think is wise

Submerge the meat as much as possible, then cover and cook on low for 8-10 hours.

Prepped slow cooker

Ten hours later…

By now, your house smells delicious. To finish it off,

  • Chop some green onions and set aside for the time being
  • Extract the rib meat and bones from the slow cooker and let them rest on a cutting board

Feel free to taste a piece or three! You’ve waited ten hours, after all.

Rib extraction

In the meantime, pour the remaining sauce into a saucepan and reduce until it starts to get sticky — it took about 15 minutes for me. In the last five minutes or so, pop in the green onions.

Reducing the sauce

Bringing it all together

Put the ribs on a plate or in a glass tray and drizzle with the sticky sauce. If you don’t mind pieces of ginger, scrape them onto the ribs as well. If not, leave them out!

Drizzling the sauce

Finally, it’s time to eat. Plate the ribs, possibly with a side of garlic green beans, and enjoy!

Plated ribs

© 2020 — 2021 Gourmet Quarantine