Gourmet Quarantine

Apple Bourbon Chardonnay Cider

Other than Glühwein, warm & boozy apple cider is my favorite cold-weather beverage. It’s easy to make a large quantity to share (or not), and you can get great results with even a basic spice cabinet.

Dry spices

Mulling Spices

The term “mulling spices” leaves a lot of room for interpretation. Classics are clove, cinnammon, allspice, and orange peel. I also like to add star anise, nutmeg, and ginger. This time, I also included some “pumpkin spice” from the grocery for a hint of the PSL treatment.

It’s pretty much impossible to go wrong — feel free to try weird stuff.

So, in a large pot, combine

  • Mulling spices of your choice
  • 3 cups apple cider
  • 1 bottle chardonnay
  • A few shots of bourbon or whisky

Cider being made

Let it simmer until warm and combined, but not too long, lest too much alcohol evaporate! I simmered it for 15 minutes, though some of my liquid ingredients started out cold from the refrigerator, which is not a recommended technique.

Ladle it into your mug, or over ice, and enjoy! Consider a small half-shot bourbon float on top for that extra warming kick — optional, but highly recommended.

In a mug

Over ice

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